few words about me

Hi everyone! My name is Nick and I’m running this blog to share my experiences from my journeys with you guys.

Each trip is something incredible but it’s nothing if you have no people you can share it with. I have been travelling since I was a kid. I am half American and half Norwegian, but used to live in so many countries that honestly I consider myself to be rather a cosmopolitan. I don’t like being attached to any specific nationality. I take as much as I can from every culture that I explore and try to learn as much as it possible. I love meeting new people, making new friends, being always on the road. Generally I am very social person who just hate hanging out alone. I guess those were my parents who passed on this passion for travels to me and I am so thankful to them because I believe you never know what the world has to offer for you until you check it out, go somewhere, see something, taste strange food, try crazy things etc. Because this is how this world is, strange, crazy and undiscovered. And I believe also that we all, all the people, you, you and you were born to explore, to discover it, to see it all, not to sit all your life within four walls but to make the most of the opportunities you are given.

As I said, I have been to many countries and have met a lot of different people and one lesson that I have learned over the years I’ve been moving is to take as much as it’s possible of each activity – to only trips, not only far journeys…. Everything you do, all the places you go to and finally all the people you meet, all of these aspects of travelling teach you something new, all of them make a huge contribution to your development, to the mental standard of your life. Am I smarter thanks to all the trips I have done? For sure I am and don’t even want to know who I would have been or how I would have been if I didn’t travel… Maybe it’s funny for you but I am truly scared of such a vision.

What also I love about travelling? First, let me tell you how much I used to hate history classes at school. Yeah, yeah… I know it’s important subject! But trust me, I hated it so badly, though in general I was always interested in the world’s history and finally I found travelling very good way to learn history, I mean the best one!That’s why I keep searching for places important in terms of history or unknown, undiscovered places to go to and explore them. The example is Auschwitz tour that I’ve been to – an amazing journey and history lesson in one! If I am not too boring and you are still reading my scribble, check out the other Bookmarks and see where I have been so far. Enjoy!

2 thoughts on “few words about me”

  1. Nice blog, like the way you write. How often you’re going to post new articles? Can’t wait to read about your next voyages.

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